Adam Benesch of Union Brewing takes Nestor behind the taps to the heart of making beer

Adam Benesch of Union Brewing takes Nestor behind the taps to the heart of making beer

Adam Benesch of Union Brewing takes Nestor behind the taps to the heart of making beer

Union Brewing founder Adam Benesch continues teaching Nestor the secret to great Baltimore beer

Union Brewing founder Adam Benesch continues teaching Nestor the secret to great Baltimore beer

Union Brewing founder Adam Benesch continues teaching Nestor the secret to great Baltimore beer

MD Crab Cake Tour Day 15: Finding fresh at The Food Market and the un-tartar tartar sauce in Hampden

MD Crab Cake Tour Day 15: Finding fresh at The Food Market and the un-tartar tartar sauce in Hampden

MD Crab Cake Tour Day 15: Finding fresh at The Food Market and the un-tartar tartar sauce in Hampden. We have a love-hate thing with condiments on the tour.